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Mission Partners

Northminster partners with Rev. Mark Adams and his wife Miriam Maldonado and their family to support the Ministry of Frontera de Cristo on the border of Arizona and Mexico. A boarder ministry is unique in many ways especially in bringing together people with cultural, economic, political and linguistic differences. They work by participating in new church development, health ministries, and community and economic development projects. Recognizing the divisive issues surrounding the US-Mexico border and immigration, Mark and Miriam help churches in the United States and Mexico respond positively and faithfully to these challenges.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:30-31

Disaster Relief

Northminster continues generous support of victims of natural disasters and man-made conflicts such as the war in Ukraine. We do this by donating to the Presbyterian Church USA’s Disaster Relief Fund.

Dyer Kelly Elementary School

Northminster’s primary outreach in the community is to the children and families served by our neighbor, Dyer Kelly School. Now that children are back in the classroom, Northminster conducted a successful backpack and school supplies drive to ensure they had what they needed to return to school. As late summer turns to autumn, we collect coats for the students. Winter brings our annual Holiday Giving Tree when we provide the children with gifts and food baskets for their families. 

Blessing Bags

Northminster reaches out to our unhoused and hurting in our community by preparing Blessing Bags. These bags contain snacks, water, personal hygiene products, and socks. Blessing bags are available in the Narthex on Sunday mornings for members to pick up and distribute to those who need them in their neighborhoods.

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